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Our Mission

“Grow in grace.” That is our heart’s desire. Here at Grace we are seeking, through all things, to give God the glory while being an integral part of growing and maturing disciples by using the Bible as our sole resource for daily living. At Grace, we consider every individual a vital part of the process of connecting people to seek Christ and to grow in the knowledge of the Lord.

Everyone is Welcome

Grace Baptist Church is a diverse community of believers who have been brought together by God’s redeeming grace.  We have joined our hands and our hearts to passionately reach the Town of Windsor, Connecticut, and the surrounding areas, with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are an independent Baptist church, built on the inerrant truth of the Bible. Pastor Collins preaches and teaches relevant messages, with enthusiasm and conviction, to people in every situation and from all walks of life. This helps them grow in grace and knowledge of the Word, thereby, deepening their love and devotion to Jesus Christ.

Join Us


Small Groups - 10:00 am

Worship Service - 11:00 am

(Coming Soon: Begins Easter Sunday 2025)

Sundays - 1:00 pm


Evening Service - 6:00pm


Prayer Meeting - 6:00 pm

830 Marshall Phelps Road  |  Windsor, CT. 06095  |  860-688-3847

© 2024 by Grace Baptist Church, Windsor, CT.

© Copyright Grace Baptist Church, Windsor, CT. USA
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